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Editor-in-Chief | |
Professor Mohammad Saeed Seif h-index: Sharif University of Technology, I. R. Iran Specialty: Marin Engineering. Hydrodynamics homepage: http://sina.sharif.edu/~seif/ Email address: seifsharif.edu phone: +98 21 6165549 |
Co-Editor-in-Chief | |
Professor Mohammad Reza Khedmati h-index: 15 Amirkabir University of Technology, I. R. Iran Specialty: Ship Structure homepage: http://aut.ac.ir/khedmati Email address: khedmatiaut.ac.ir phone: +98 21 64543113 |
Scientific Editor | |
Dr. mehdi Adjami h-index: Shahroud University of Technology Specialty: Engineering of coasts, ports and marine structures homepage:اعضای هیأت علمی: مهدی عجمی (shahroodut.ac.ir) Email address: adjamishahroodut.ac.ir |
Editorial Board | |
Professor Majid Abbaspour h-index: Sharif University of Technology, I. R. Iran Specialty: Marine and Ocean Engineering, Energy& Renewable energy homepage: http://sina.sharif.edu/~abbpor/ Email address: abbporsharif.edu phone: +98 21 66165528 |
Professor Mehdi Behzad h-index: 23 Sharif University of Technology, I. R. Iran Specialty: Main Engine & Electrical Equipments homepage: http://sharif.ir/~m_behzad/ Email address: m_behzad sharif.edu phone: +98 21 66165509 |
Dr. mohammadreza tabeshpour h-index: Sharif University of Technology Specialty: homepage: اشخاص | معاونت پژوهشی دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک دانشگاه صنعتی شریف (sharif.ir) Email address: tabeshpoursharif.edu phone: |
Dr. Abbas Yeganeh Bakhtiary h-index: 22 Iran University of Science and Technology Specialty: Environmental and Water Resources Engineering homepage:http://www.iust.ac.ir/content/7372/Dr.-Yeganeh-Bakhtiari,-Abbas Email address: Yeganehiust.ac.ir phone: |
Prof. Hassan Ghassemi h-index: 16 Amirkabir University of Technology, I. R. Iran Specialty: Ship Hydrodynamic homepage: http://aut.ac.ir/gasemi Email address: gasemiaut.ac.ir phone: 98 21 64543112 |
Dr. Mohammad Hossein Ghaemi h-index: Technical University of Gdansk, Poland Specialty: Marine Control Systems homepage: http://pg.edu.pl/07895306ff_mohammad.ghaemi Email address: ghaemipg.gda.pl phone: 48-58-348 6053 |
Dr. Mohammad Heidarzadeh h-index: 14 Brunel University Specialty: Coastal Engineering homepage: https://www.brunel.ac.uk/people/mohammad-heidarzadeh Email address: mohammad.heidarzadehbrunel.ac.uk phone: |
Professor Mohammad Reza Khedmati h-index: 15 Amirkabir University of Technology, I. R. Iran Specialty: Ship Structure homepage: http://aut.ac.ir/khedmati Email address: khedmatiaut.ac.ir phone: +98 21 64543113 |
Dr. Ali Farhadzadeh h-index:10 Stony Brook University Specialty: civil Engineering and School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS) homepage: https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/civileng/people/_core_faculty/farhadzadehali Email address: ali.farhadzadehstonybrook.edu phone: |
Dr Said Mazaheri h-index: 6 Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science, I. R. Iran Specialty: offshore structure homepage:http://inio.ac.ir/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=g64WE7iaSlI%3d&tabid=1027 Email address: said.mazaheriinio.ac.ir phone:+98 21 66944873 |
Dr. mojtaba dehghan menshdi h-index: Malik Ashtar University Specialty: Aerospace homepage: http://www.mut.ac.ir Email address: mdmanshadimut-es.ac.ir phone: |
Professor Hassan Sayyadi h-index: 14 Sharif University of Technology, I. R. Iran Specialty: Applied Mechanics homepage: http://sharif.ir/~sayyaadi/ Email address: Sayyaadisharif.edu phone: +98 21 66165682 |
Professor Mohammad Saeed Seif h-index: Sharif University of Technology, I. R. Iran Specialty: Marin Engineering. Hydrodynamics homepage: http://sina.sharif.edu/~seif/ Email address: seifsharif.edu phone: +98 21 6165549 |
Professor Mehdi Shafieeifar h-index: 8 Tarbiat Modarres University, I. R. Iran Specialty: Offshore Hydrodynamic homepage:http://www.modares.ac.ir/en/Schools/civil/academic-staff/~shafiee Email address: shafieemodares.ac.ir phone: +98 21 82883318 |
Dr Roozbeh Panahi h-index: 8 Tarbiat Modares University, I. R. Iran Specialty: homepage:http://www.modares.ac.ir/en/Schools/civil/academic-staff/~rpanahi Email address: rpanahimodares.ac.ir phone: +98 21 82884903 |
Professor Omar Yaacob h-index: 9 University teknologi Malaysia- Malaysia Specialty: marine technology homepage:http://web1.fkm.utm.my/?id=staff_oy&pid=836 Email address: omarfkm.utm.my phone: +607-5534764 |
Professor Mostafa Zeinoddini h-index:15 K.N.Toosi University, I. R. Iran Specialty: offshore structure homepage: http://wp.kntu.ac.ir/zeinoddini/ Email address: zeinoddinikntu.ac.ir phone: 021 88779473-5 Internal No. 406 |