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Export Journal XML Articles In Press - - 3 Article(s)

Year 2023
Export Journal XML Articles RSS Volume 19 - (12-2023) - 6 Article(s)
Export Journal XML Articles RSS Volume 18 - (5-2023) - 6 Article(s)
Export Journal XML Articles RSS Volume 17 - (2-2023 - Serial : 18) - 6 Article(s)

Year 2021
Export Journal XML Articles RSS Volume 16 - (Summer and Fall 2021 5-2021 - Serial : 16) - 12 Article(s)
Export Journal XML Articles RSS Volume 15 - (Winter and Spring 2021 4-2021 - Serial : 15) - 12 Article(s)

Year 2020
Export Journal XML Articles RSS Volume 14 - (Summer and Fall 2020 10-2020 - Serial : 14) - 6 Article(s)
Export Journal XML Articles RSS Volume 13 - (Winter and Spring 2020 1-2020 - Serial : 13) - 6 Article(s)

Year 2019
Export Journal XML Articles RSS Volume 12 - (Summer and Autumn 2019 7-2019 - Serial : 12) - 6 Article(s)
Export Journal XML Articles RSS Volume 11 - (Winter and Spring 2019 3-2019 - Serial : 11) - 6 Article(s)

Year 2018
Export Journal XML Articles RSS Volume 10 - (Summer and Autumn 2018 7-2018 - Serial : 10) - 6 Article(s)
Export Journal XML Articles RSS Volume 9 - (Winter and Spring 2018 1-2018 - Serial : 9) - 6 Article(s)

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