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Volume 9 - Winter and Spring 2018                   ijmt 2018, 9 - Winter and Spring 2018: 51-57 | Back to browse issues page

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Sayyaadi H, Ghassemzadeh A. Control of Multiple Underwater Vessels to Converge to a Desired Pattern. ijmt 2018; 9 :51-57
URL: http://ijmt.ir/article-1-625-en.html
1- School of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology
Abstract:   (5450 Views)
The important and hazardous of the rescue mission in oceans and seas, autonomous vessels now are one of the most appropriate applications among others. Due to safety, reliability, and accessibility of smart, Autonomous and Cooperative vessels today has attracted much attention from the industry. Regard to the complication of the mono vessel for different objects, the multi- agent system was proposed by the researchers. A group of vessels which are connected to each other through different communication systems like GPS, INS and etc., could easily act their duties in the different situations. Design a strategy controller for a group of underwater vessels with the aid of Lyapanove and Graph theory is addressed in this brief. Realistic dynamics is considered in this paper which is novel things in the fields of control system design to demonstrate the performances of the designed controller. Using realistic dynamics makes it possible to really analyze the behavior of the system and consider all the problems which the systems might be faced in reality. The main features of the proposed controller are the decentralized and scalable controller which convert the controller to be applicable to the different number of agents also in the different situation without any external monitoring and this is while all the previous work were based on the external Control. Due to the realistic agent dynamics, non-holonomic dynamics and turning constraints of the vessels are considered in the design process. Advantages of the proposed controller could be represented as follow: domestic information is used between vessels. Based on the realistic dynamics of motion, damping and inertia matrix which in previous works used to be diagonal and constant, are considered as non-diagonal and variable. Also to represent the effectiveness of the proposed controllers, MATLAB and SIMULINK are used to simulate the effectiveness of the controller. As the simulation results show, designed controllers perform well on the system and the objective duty is achieved appropriately.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Submarine Hydrodynamic & Design
Received: 2017/07/3 | Accepted: 2018/03/15

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