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Volume 10 - Summer and Autumn 2018                   ijmt 2018, 10 - Summer and Autumn 2018: 1-6 | Back to browse issues page

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Khosravi M, Siadat Mousavi S M, Chegini V, Vennell R. Across-channel distribution of the mean and tidal flows in the Khuran Channel, Persian Gulf, Iran. ijmt 2018; 10 :1-6
URL: http://ijmt.ir/article-1-634-en.html
1- Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science, Tehran, Iran
2- School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
3- Department of Marine Science, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Abstract:   (5378 Views)
The Khuran Channel, Southern Iran (26°45’N), is a topographically complex channel which is open at both ends. Owning to its particular geometry, this narrow channel is subjected to strong tidal currents.Across-channel distribution of the mean and tidal flows were obtained over a semidiurnal tidal cycle in the Khuran Channel where the highest tidal velocity in the third day of the secondary spring tide exceeded 140 cm/s. Velocity profiles were obtained using a 614.4 kHz Teledyne RDI Workhorse Broadband ADCP over 13 repetitions of a cross-channel transect. The 3.1 km long transect ran north/south across the channel.The M2frequencywas separated from the observed current using sinusoidal form functions and the least square regression analysis. Contrary to the previous study in this channel, the mean inflow observed in the deep parts of the channel and mean outflow occurs over the shallow slopes, with the maximum magnitudes (15-20cm/s) near the surface in the north side. The maximum lateral shear and convergence were found over slopes located between the middle and the north side of the channel.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Environmental Study
Received: 2017/11/22 | Accepted: 2018/04/30

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