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Volume 14 - Summer and Fall 2020                   ijmt 2020, 14 - Summer and Fall 2020: 33-40 | Back to browse issues page

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Zeinabi A, Kohansal A. Numerical modeling of sediment transport patterns under the effects of waves and tidal currents at Pars port complex inlet. ijmt 2020; 14 :33-40
URL: http://ijmt.ir/article-1-701-en.html
1- Persian Gulf University
Abstract:   (3501 Views)
This study aimed to investigate the sedimentation mechanism at Pars port complex inlet (petrochemical and services ports in Iran) under the effects of wind-waves and tidal currents and to provide solutions to reduce sedimentation by changing the port plan. For this purpose, at first, the modeling of changes in water level and tidal currents in the area was conducted. The results for the currents and waves were evaluated and validated using the measured field data. The one-dimensional sediment transport potential was calculated by about 33,000 cubic meters per year. The analysis of two-dimensional sediment transport phenomena within the ports and inlets showed that tidal currents patterns that are parallel to the coast and the waves in the region are the most important factors in sedimentation. Accordingly, to minimize sedimentation and to investigate the effect of the geometric shape of the port, three configurations were proposed for ports, and the patterns of sedimentation were evaluated in the new arrangements.
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Type of Study: Technical Note | Subject: Offshore Hydrodynamic
Received: 2020/05/25 | Accepted: 2020/11/25

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