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Volume 16 - Summer and Fall 2021                   ijmt 2021, 16 - Summer and Fall 2021: 63-71 | Back to browse issues page

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Gharagozloo A H, Negahdari M R, Ebrahimi A. Numerical Study on Body Form of Flettner Sail Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. ijmt 2021; 16 :63-71
URL: http://ijmt.ir/article-1-774-en.html
1- Chabahar Maritime University
Abstract:   (6826 Views)
According to the important rule of maritime transport in world trade and prevent the further emission of greenhouse gases, ships' propulsion system needs innovative designs. One of these plans was the rotor sail introduced in recent decades. This idea uses wind power to help propulsion ships and is based on the Magnus effect, which Anton Flettner proposed. The selected geometry is based on the experimental tests performed at Reynolds number 5800 for speed ratio 0 and 4 simulated. The numerical solution has been done by the CFD method, and the results of lift and drag coefficients are obtained and validated. The results show that by changing the body form, the behavior of fluid around it also changes and leads to a different distribution of velocity and pressure. For both models with a stationary cylinder, CD=0.67 and for the first rotational model, CL=6.35 & CD=1.076 and for the proposed form, CL=6.041 & CD=1.039. 
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Ship Hydrodynamic
Received: 2021/11/5 | Accepted: 2022/04/14

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