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Volume 3 - Winter and Spring 2015                   ijmt 2015, 3 - Winter and Spring 2015: 1-16 | Back to browse issues page

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Moonesun M, Korol Y, Dalayeli H. CFD Analysis on the Bare Hull Form of Submarines for Minimizing the Resistance. ijmt 2015; 3 :1-16
URL: http://ijmt.ir/article-1-355-en.html
1- Maleke ashtar university
2- Ukraine, Admiral Makarov University
Abstract:   (11965 Views)
In this paper, a CFD analysis on the bare hull form of submarines or torpedoes for minimizing the resistance is represented. There are several parameters in submarine form design which the most important parameter is resistance. All operational characteristics of submarines are related to the resistance, related required power and then, underwater speed and range. Other parameters are only mentioned. In this paper, the bare hull form is only studied without appendages. About seventy percent of the total resistance, is dedicated to the bare hull. The bare hull has three main parts: bow, cylinder and stern. The most real naval submarines and ROVs have parallel middle body form. Thus in this study, the focus is on this type of hull. The equations of bow and stern form are studied, as well. This paper, has studied the several forms by changing the coefficients of equations. CFD analyses are performed on these shapes for achieving the minimum resistance. The ratio of length on diameter (L/D) is another parameter which is studied in this paper. This analysis is conducted by Flow Vision (V.2.3) software based on CFD method and solving the RANS equations. All analyses are performed for underwater navigation, without free surface effect because, the required power is estimated always by submerged mode of navigation.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Ship Hydrodynamic
Received: 2014/10/21 | Accepted: 2015/04/14

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